Jun 25, 2019 at 15:43
Facebook Libra Coin: Good Samaritan or a Deadstar for All Cryptocurrencies?
The banking industry is worried by Facebook’s announcement about issuing their own cryptocurrency last month. France is going to establish a G7 task force to study how banks can ensure regulations of such digital currency to prevent its usage for money laundering and other illegal activities.
Mar 08, 2019 at 14:41
Italy Continues to Work on Task Force of Blockchain Experts
Blockchain has caught a great piece of attention of social media and, thus, the governmental institutions. The task force, aimed at development of the national blockchain strategy, was created in Italy. The group of experts has already held a number of fruitful meetings.
Feb 26, 2019 at 17:09
Italy Plans to Train & Inform Citizens About Blockchain Uses
Besides insiders, very few people in Italy and globally understand what Blockchain technology is, according to research conducted by the GBBC – the Global Blockchain Business Council. That’s one of the reasons why Italy has invested heavily in the lucrative blockchain industry before other countries come in to compete. Also, this innovative technology is seeing a superb moment, with the government’s (MiSE) consideration to create a task force of high-level experts to create a national strategy.