
Google Play and Other Major App Stores are Hosting Blacklisted Bitcoin Apps
Jan 30, 2018 at 14:19
Google Play and Other Major App Stores are Hosting Blacklisted Bitcoin Apps
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have tended to be burning topics for discussion over the years. Despite its huge potential for the financial market, there are also major cases of hacks and fraud people should be aware of when deciding on making investments.
Ever Heard of Bitcoin ATMs? Here Is What You Need to Know
Nov 13, 2017 at 13:58
Ever Heard of Bitcoin ATMs? Here Is What You Need to Know
Bitcoin has recently surpassed the value of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and hovers above $100 billion. However, the wider public is yet to be introduced to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Even so, in October 2013, Bitcoin ATMs made their debut at the Bitcoiniac`s kiosk in one of Vancouver’s coffee shops. Today, just four years later, there are more than 8 million Google search results for “Bitcoin ATM near me’’.
Project Boosteroid announces the launch of cloud computer demo
Nov 03, 2017 at 09:39
Project Boosteroid announces the launch of cloud computer demo
On October 23rd project Boosteroid started the first stage of the ICO. The team aims to create a cloud service platform similar to Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud. Developers announced the launch of Boosteroid demo version a week after the beginning of token sale. The full service starts operating in May, 2018.
The Boosteroid Project Intends to Squeeze Google and Amazon
Sep 30, 2017 at 09:15
The Boosteroid Project Intends to Squeeze Google and Amazon
The international project Boosteroid starts ICO on October 23 and intends to squeeze giants of computing power rental market such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft.
Google has Registered a Record For News Outlet: 5,000 Page Views per Day Within 9 Months
May 10, 2017 at 07:04
Google has Registered a Record For News Outlet: 5,000 Page Views per Day Within 9 Months, the world blockchain news outlet, has hit 5000 daily pageviews within 9 months. The first article at was published on July 3, 2016, and by April 21, 2017, the Google analytical system has registered a record amount of pageviews for
Google Says: Only 0.00001% Chance Android Apps are Ransomware
Mar 30, 2017 at 13:59
Google Says: Only 0.00001% Chance Android Apps are Ransomware
A recent report from Google states that the possibility of getting infected with Android ransomware is close to zero.
Google Subsidiary To Use Blockchain In British Healthcare
Dec 09, 2016 at 12:29
Google Subsidiary To Use Blockchain In British Healthcare
DeepMind Technologies, a subsidiary of Google, has announced it will be utilizing blockchain technology in securing patient data.
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