Nov 13, 2017 at 13:58
Ever Heard of Bitcoin ATMs? Here Is What You Need to Know
Bitcoin has recently surpassed the value of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and hovers above $100 billion. However, the wider public is yet to be introduced to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Even so, in October 2013, Bitcoin ATMs made their debut at the Bitcoiniac`s kiosk in one of Vancouver’s coffee shops. Today, just four years later, there are more than 8 million Google search results for “Bitcoin ATM near me’’.
Nov 03, 2017 at 09:39
Project Boosteroid announces the launch of cloud computer demo
On October 23rd project Boosteroid started the first stage of the ICO. The team aims to create a cloud service platform similar to Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud. Developers announced the launch of Boosteroid demo version a week after the beginning of token sale. The full service starts operating in May, 2018.