
Scenarios of Geolocation-Based Services in Era of Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Tech
Feb 11, 2020 at 09:13
Scenarios of Geolocation-Based Services in Era of Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Tech
The blockchain "system" promises to be able to scale back, by a wide margin, owing to the "power" of the internet platforms on which many of the current services offered through geolocation, such as Uber, Google, Airbnb, Amazon, Alibaba, to name the main ones. These companies are trying to integrate blockchain into their geolocation apps so they can serve the public better, in an effective, secure and transparent manner.
Blockchain Threat Triggers Apple and Google to Ban Decentralised Applications
Jan 01, 2020 at 13:43
Blockchain Threat Triggers Apple and Google to Ban Decentralised Applications
The ban by Apple and Google of decentralized applications (DApps) is getting serious.
Google’s YouTube Wages War Against Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Videos
Dec 27, 2019 at 07:28
Google’s YouTube Wages War Against Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Videos
The relationship between cryptocurrency and Google seems to be in a worse and confusing situation. For a long time YouTube has been quite on Bitcoin and other digital currencies, but now, it has waged a war again some of the blockchain, distributed ledger technology (DLT) and digital asset content creators, especially those who violate or breach community rules.
Google, Facebook and Other Big Tech to Attack Global Banks
Nov 27, 2019 at 09:53
Google, Facebook and Other Big Tech to Attack Global Banks
When Cupertino launched its credit card two months ago, it immediately made it clear that it was "designed by Apple, not by the banks", as if to distance itself from a world that is by now obsolete.
How to Solve Privacy Problems on Blockchain
Nov 12, 2019 at 09:06
How to Solve Privacy Problems on Blockchain
Privacy is one of the new technological trends of the last year. More and more important companies are shifting this functionality into their core business, even the big giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon.
Google's Cooperation Agreement With Ubex Gives New Meaning To Blockchain-Based Programmatic Advertising
Sep 03, 2019 at 11:08
Google's Cooperation Agreement With Ubex Gives New Meaning To Blockchain-Based Programmatic Advertising
The blockchain-based Ubex platform has reached a new milestone in the integration of its product into the global advertising ecosystem by signing a cooperation agreement with Google. Such a major step in the adoption of blockchain technologies and the expansion of Ubex’s ad display reach on global audiences through the use of the Google Ad Network comes as the platform is preparing for full scale commercial launch.
Google Trends Indicates Bitcoin is More Popular than Stocks
Aug 04, 2019 at 09:30
Google Trends Indicates Bitcoin is More Popular than Stocks
According to a recent analysis on Google Trends, it is clear that Bitcoin is a more searched term than Stocks. In this era of technological evolution around the world, several people in the financial industry are turning to using cryptocurrencies rather than traditional assets.
Facebook Promotes Itself in Leading Cryptocurrency News Magazines
Jun 18, 2019 at 08:15
Facebook Promotes Itself in Leading Cryptocurrency News Magazines
Google has ordered advertising of the Facebook brand on, one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency news magazines, despite Facebook’s ban of most cryptocurrency advertising since January 2018. This move is evidence that Facebook is looking for support from the world crypto community to gain trust in its new cryptocurrency FaceCoin (allegedly named Libra or GlobalCoin), that is announced to be issued in Q1 2020.
Bitcoin & Blockchain Buzzwords that Rock the Industry
May 27, 2019 at 11:38
Bitcoin & Blockchain Buzzwords that Rock the Industry
Today, there are a number of governments, institutions and individuals who publicly claim to be only interested in and supportive of blockchain technology not Bitcoin. Like it or not, you have heard it somewhere or even said it yourself, and the audience understands what you are actually trying to mean, they know that you are talking of blockchain, the technology behind BTC and cryptocurrency as a whole.
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