news video digest, April 3.
The major technology company, specializing in providing a secure messaging service, has raised $850 million from 94 official investors in a SEC filing last Thursday. As Telegram creator Pavel Durov stated, the collected billions were "purchase agreements for crypto currency." That makes the total raise of the initial coin offering, held in February, to times bigger, changing it to $1.7 billion. Furthermore, the investments may not stop at this point.
The Bitcoin blockchain has survived many accusations since its start, including ones calling it a terrorist tool and a drug dealer platform. Recently, it was claimed to contain child pornography and anyone who downloads the blockchain to be guilty in the terms of the law.
Cornell University professor Emin Gun Sirer explained that
"Regular cryptocurrency software" lacks the decoder tool needed to reconstruct content from a specific encoding. But since it's not impossible, he continued, network participants could remove the content by choosing not to store the content of some transactions, instead only storing "the hash and side effects."
A new revolutionary partnership has been signed between major Polish bank PKO BP and blockchain company Coinfirm. The agreement confirms the creation of a blockchain-based storage and verification system for bank documents. The document states that blockchain technology will be implemented in PKO’s bank program through Trudatum.