
The Role of Blockchain in the Smart City Platform in Italy
Aug 10, 2019 at 10:52
The Role of Blockchain in the Smart City Platform in Italy
The path towards the realization of Smart City can be seen as a real innovation laboratory in which themes linked to the quality of services and life are merged with new responses for environmental sustainability, safety, mobility and quality of work. This path has experienced an exciting phase in which the cities experimented and adopted new forms of innovation including blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), many different areas.
Mercedes Parent to Create a Blockchain Solution for Cars
Jul 26, 2019 at 13:52
Mercedes Parent to Create a Blockchain Solution for Cars
Mercedes’ parent corporation, Daimler AG, a German global automotive company headquartered in Baden-Württemberg, has declared a partnership with four other giant startups including a European distributed ledger tech (DLT) interface, to create a blockchain solutions for cars dubbed a mobility blockchain platform (MBP), a distributed software platform which enables mobility as a facility with end to end encryption.
Italy: Blockchain Technology Helps Develop Smart City Project
Jan 30, 2019 at 16:01
Italy: Blockchain Technology Helps Develop Smart City Project
Blockchain technology is among the six major technologies in Italy that will improve the quality of life in the city. The technology is clean, secure and on-demand mobility. 2019 is just one month old and most people consider it as the turning point for the induction of tech and unfeigned nationals’ plans for the switching of urban centres to smart cities.
Mobility Ecosystem Moveco Lets You Earn as You Move
Jun 13, 2018 at 12:33
Mobility Ecosystem Moveco Lets You Earn as You Move
Newly-launched mobility platform Moveco is well on its way to building a safer and smarter mobility industry that also makes it more efficient and affordable to do one of the most basic things of life: move.
Blockchain Startup ShareRing Joins Car Makers In Bringing Blockchain To Automotive Industry
May 23, 2018 at 12:29
Blockchain Startup ShareRing Joins Car Makers In Bringing Blockchain To Automotive Industry
ShareRing, an Australian startup aiming to revolutionize the sharing economy with blockchain, has been announced as one of the tech companies participating in the brand new MOBI consortium.
ARK Brings Crypto Freedom to Millions Through Mobile Wallet Release Announcement 
Jan 03, 2018 at 12:14
ARK Brings Crypto Freedom to Millions Through Mobile Wallet Release Announcement 
Cryptocurrency disintermediation of financial transaction and immutability of records is redefining the concept of money. However, for all the benefits cryptocurrencies bring to the table, most people remain hesitant about fully investing in it due one concern: mobility.
Green Light for DOVU as Mobility Blockchain Project Hits $5 Million Milestone
Oct 07, 2017 at 13:29
Green Light for DOVU as Mobility Blockchain Project Hits $5 Million Milestone
The blockchain-based transport data initiative has issued over 100 million tokens, meeting its target raise and allowing the project to go ahead.
DOVU to Feature At Renowned Blockchain Conference, Monaco Growth Forums
Oct 04, 2017 at 10:04
DOVU to Feature At Renowned Blockchain Conference, Monaco Growth Forums
The blockchain mobility data initiative will gain crucial exposure at the exclusive summit in October for investors and emerging growth companies, bringing further momentum to its already successful crowdsale.
Expert on Blockchain-backed firms David Drake Joins DOVU Advisory Board
Sep 21, 2017 at 10:52
Expert on Blockchain-backed firms David Drake Joins DOVU Advisory Board
The blockchain mobility project welcomes the entrepreneur and investor, whose previous successes include Alibaba and Lyft.
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