Jan 08, 2019 at 14:55
Top 10 Countries Using Bitcoin, Italy is in Fourth Position
An assessment of crypto usage is not an easy thing to be done, since it is based on population, environment diffusion and legal background. And for this matter, therefore, this assessment has been made based on data from Localbitcoins, Coinatmradar and Coinmap. It has also been made based on the circulation of ATMs and legal acceptance of the currency in these top 10 nations in question.
Oct 02, 2017 at 15:14
China’s LocalBitcoins Platform Set an Unprecedented Trading Volume
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchanges have always been irregular in China, especially when it comes to LocalBitcoin. Every now and then the volume changes. Last week the nation set a new all-time trading volume record on the LocalBitcoins platform . This shows that the demand for Bitcoin ceases to slow down in China. Furthermore, this shows that issuing a permanent ban on Bitcoin will never be in China’s interest.
FinCEN Regulation vs. LocalBitcoins’ Portable Bitcoin ATM
The Portable Bitcoin ATM presented by LocalBitcoins in October 2016, may cause MSB compliance issues. In a conversation with CoinIdol.com, Anti-Money Laundering specialist Joe Ciccolo advised potential consumers to heed four warnings before they begin doing business with the portable Bitcoin ATM (BTM).