The Ice Is Melting: SEC Is Open For Cryptocurrency Innovations
Oct 04, 2020 at 11:19
The Ice Is Melting: SEC Is Open For Cryptocurrency Innovations
While the US Securities and Exchange Commission is known for its cautious stance on cryptocurrencies, it seems things have been changing. The watchdog’s Chairman claimed that they are open to Decentralized innovations.
Bakkt: ICE-Backed Cryptocurrency Startup to Launch Two Bitcoin Futures in Q3 of 2019
Aug 09, 2019 at 15:30
Bakkt: ICE-Backed Cryptocurrency Startup to Launch Two Bitcoin Futures in Q3 of 2019
The beta-testing of Bitcoin futures contract for ICE-backed cryptoasset trading platform Bakkt was carried out successfully, as per the press release from Mr. Adam White, the COO of Bakkt. The platform has industriously launched customer acceptance testing for its cryptocurrency futures traded and cleared at Intercontinental Exchange Futures US and ICE Clear US respectively.
ICE and Bakkt Plan to Roll Out Bitcoin Futures Soon
Aug 02, 2019 at 12:06
ICE and Bakkt Plan to Roll Out Bitcoin Futures Soon
Bakkt, a platform designed to support cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin (BTC) futures, is now getting ready to roll out soon, according to Jeffrey Craig Sprecher, the head of the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the parent company of Bakkt, however, he never revealed or set a company timeline.
Will Blockchain Prevent Counterfeiting of Italian Products?
Aug 01, 2019 at 09:57
Will Blockchain Prevent Counterfeiting of Italian Products?
According to the Minister of Economic Development (MiSE), Luigi di Maio, the protection of Made in Italy will essentially pass for the blockchain tech and the tracking of every single product. Minister revealed this recently while on the occasion of the presentation of the 33rd ICE Report and of the ISTAT-ICE Yearbook. It is appalling to know that the country has around €40 billion of real Made in Italy in the entire world and 100 billion of fakes.
Cryptocurrency Winter is Ending Soon, Bitcoin Transactions Surge
Mar 11, 2019 at 14:37
Cryptocurrency Winter is Ending Soon, Bitcoin Transactions Surge
There was nothing like positive news during the ‘crypto winter’ making the majority of the cryptocurrency enthusiasts to be very quiet. Now that the evidence shows that the crypto winter is almost over, investors, enthusiasts, traders, experts and analysts will start making wild predictions of the next bull run, partnership and other relevant speculations within in blockchain and cryptoasset industry. Indeed, the ice is starting to thaw.
Owner of New York Stock Exchange Would Allow Potential Investors to Trade Bitcoin
May 10, 2018 at 12:17
Owner of New York Stock Exchange Would Allow Potential Investors to Trade Bitcoin
Georgia-based Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), a company operating 23 regulated exchanges and marketplaces, and the owner of the New York Stock Exchange has been creating an online platform to allow investors to buy and hold Bitcoin. ICE first appeared in the digital currencies market through a cryptocurrency data feed in March.
The Ice Is Melting: South Korea to Ease Regulations on Cryptocurrency
May 07, 2018 at 14:51
The Ice Is Melting: South Korea to Ease Regulations on Cryptocurrency
New Financial Supervisory Service Governor is looking towards softening regulations previously imposed upon ICOs and domestic cryptocurrency trading.
Meet Nimses — Global Treasury of Human Lifetime. A Singular Technology to Deal With Plural Planetary Challenges
Apr 09, 2018 at 10:29
Meet Nimses — Global Treasury of Human Lifetime. A Singular Technology to Deal With Plural Planetary Challenges
Humanity is facing its biggest challenge since the Ice Age. No jokes. Economical progress, technological expansion and exponential growth made the Earth a comfortable however highly insecure, unstable and exposed place to dwell.
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