Remote Education Rocks: Top Universities, Including MIT, are Nurturing Blockchain Professionals

Jul 23, 2021 at 11:24 // News
Coin Idol
Who wants to be a blockchain professional?

Blockchain is certainly the next big technology for the global economy.

Extensive research is underway involving governments, the private sector, and academia to expand its application in the real world. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the world's leading engineering university, is one such institution now offering Blockchain distance learning courses.

Blockchain adoption on the rise

Whether at a business or an engineering school, blockchain majors are as common as an old shoe due to the skills gap in the real world. Research shows that at least 56% of the top universities in the world offer some kind of blockchain education. Some of the big names now training blockchain professionals annually are Cornell, MIT, Stanford and other Ivy League colleges.

Want the best blockchain learning environment with no barriers? No problem. A campus with only blockchain or Artificial Intelligence (AI) majors is launching soon in South Korea, as reported by CoinIdol, a world blockchain news outlet. Even in the developing world, blockchain is gaining popularity. Africa is jumping on the bandwagon to improve its emerging sectors. Ethiopia believes in the potential of Blockchain and is now planning to use the technology in its digital identity project, hoping it will make its way into the education sector.


A June report put Africa at the top in terms of cryptocurrency and blockchain adoption. Akon is a major force for Africa's development after the pop star launched a $6 billion futuristic city based on blockchain technology.

The world's leading college of technology and engineering offers a blockchain short course

It's extremely hard to get into top colleges like MIT, but you might be lucky that they have introduced new courses that not many people understand and therefore have a low application rate. MIT apparently has a 7 percent acceptance rate. To make it clearer: If 100 people apply to study at this institution, only seven will be admitted. The 93 will have to try somewhere else.

That's exactly how competitive it is to get into MIT. The good news, however, is that it might be easier for those who can afford the $1,300 tuition for an 8-week online course called "Blockchain: Disruptive Technology" offered by MIT in conjunction with Global Alumni.

Spending lockdown learning vital skills remotely

Since COVID -19 engulfed the world in early 2020, the demand for online jobs has increased as companies and organizations switched to remote work instead of total shutdowns. A 2020 study found that the number of freelance job openings increased 41% by the end of the second quarter of 2020 compared to the same period last year. In the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, the most sought-after positions today include data analysts, mechanical engineers, journalists, and others.


In this time of uncertainty, more and more people are interested in blockchain courses. On Udemy, a famous online learning platform, there are thousands of blockchain courses. Out of the total 40 million learners on the platform today, at least 1,256,847 are directly interested in blockchain-related courses.

With more uncertainties, it makes sense to study short certificate courses in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. There are heaps of blockchain-focused courses out there that are either free or low-cost and could make you a millionaire as mainstream jobs continue to disappear. Top universities and colleges also offer blockchain courses.

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