Princeton University Lecturer To Hold Free Online Bitcoin Course

Aug 12, 2016 at 12:28 // News
Nina Lyon

The course aims to help people separate fact from fiction on the subject of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Admission to a new free-of-charge online education course, “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies” held by a lecturer from Princeton University is now available on the Coursera educational platform.

The course is announced to start in September 2016, and will be held by assistant professor of computer science at Princeton University, Arvind Narayanan, who is also one of the authors of the Princeton Bitcoin textbook.

According to the course description, students will be able to learn:

“We’ll address the important questions about Bitcoin, such as: How does Bitcoin work? What makes Bitcoin different? How secure are your Bitcoins? How anonymous are Bitcoin users? What determines the price of Bitcoins? Can cryptocurrencies be regulated? What might the future hold?”

Bitcoin Course of Princeton University

The “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies” course is useful for both users and entrepreneurs, who wish to learn how to integrate Bitcoin technologies into their projects. The Coursera course and accompanying Princeton Bitcoin textbook had 30,000 students in its first version.

Kumar Gaurav, CEO & Founder of Cashaa, a cash-to-cash remittance company, commented to

“His program was one of highly subscriber and best program available on Coursera in general and best in crypto space. I highly recommend if you wanna know about Blockchain and bitcoin technology as a beginner.” 

“It will not help you start writing your own Blockchain by watching it, but at least  viewer will get aware of the nuts and bolts of Bitcoin Blockchain. And can pick it from there to become fluent in this space,” said Kumar Gaurav.

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