Italy to Use Blockchain and IoT for Digital Identity

Sep 05, 2019 at 12:06 // News
Coin Idol
Blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) can now be used for Digital identity on the internet of things (IoT) in Italy.

Blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) can now be used for Digital identity on the internet of things (IoT) in Italy. The combination of Internet of Things and DLTs such as the blockchain enables an interesting digital model for IoT, and tend to create new avenues for implementing and protecting IoT systems. Let us have a look at some of the important reference models.

Blockchain to Address Some of the Existing Technological Challenges 

Focusing our attention on the issue of security and in particular on the topic of trust at the basis of interoperability, the combination enables an interesting model of Digital Identity for IoT, but let's proceed step by step. Remember, the progressive increase of objects, connected according to the IoT paradigm poses interesting technological challenges to guarantee interoperability and security in this field. 

Here, it identifies a large class of objects ranging from the simple device connected to more complex systems for the implementation of the so-called critical infrastructures of modern Smart Cities, for instance, intelligent transport, energy production, aqueducts.

When we discuss about identification, instead, we are interested in a persistent model, that is generally recognized to communicate with any other system, which cannot be falsified and verified with simplicity without the intervention of third authorities, and which is effective: enable source authentication; is instrumental in implementing additional authorization mechanisms for services and applications; and guarantees the confidentiality of communications and information exchanged. 

3 Reference Models for Digital Identity 

Technically, there are three different reference models: Centralized identity - provides a unique relationship with a server that provides authenticated access to a series of services and applications. This model is based on the concept of account; each subject identifies itself with a unique pair of username and password or an access token, which facilitates access to the server.; Federated identity - Each subject has a centralized identification with an Identity Provider (IDP), which they can use to interact with all the systems federated with it; and Self-sovereign identity (SSI) - SSI bases operation on the concept of relationship, according to the classic peer-to-peer scheme. 

Digital Identity for Internet of Things 

The SSI model is an ideal candidate for implementation in IoT, as defined at the beginning of this article. The resulting model is certainly persistent, in the sense that it is managed independently by each individual IoT object and is universally recognized on the Internet. 

Identity verification, with mutual authentication between IoT objects, is secure thanks to the classic mechanisms of asymmetric cryptography. In the face of proper authentication, IoT objects can also exchange information in a confidential manner. The SSI model does not address the issue of the integrity of the information exchanged, but it is still possible to implement it with proven technique. The application of verifiable credentials is instrumental to the implementation of authorization mechanisms for services provided by internet of things structures.

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