Jacob Okonya

Jacob Okonya is a young civil engineer and Bitcoin and Blockchain enthusiast.
He uses the digital currency since 2012 and has in-depth knowledge in Bitcoin mining and other cryptocurrency mining as well. He has been writing articles on bitcoin and crypto, as well as reads a lot of web content in Blockchain and Bitcoin technology and hopes to establish the first Blockchain community of Uganda.
He was working in Coinidol till 2017


Apr 14, 2017 at 11:24
Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Factor Surpasses 500,000,000,000
Bitcoin mining is regulated by a difficulty factor which determines how hard it is to mine one block of bitcoin. Recently the difficulty factor was just above 520,000,000,000. Coinidol.com investigates the effects of this rise on the Bitcoin mining activities.
Mar 27, 2017 at 12:27
Bitcoin Retirement: Is it any Better than the Current Retirement Systems?
Lots of Bitcoin сompanies now have packages which allow people to save money, in most cases, in an investment model. With the constant fluctuation of Bitcoin price, lots of people are still not confident with investing their retirement in Bitcoin.
Mar 23, 2017 at 13:19
Chinese Congresswoman Initiates World Discussion about Bitcoin AML
A Chinese Congresswoman’s  suggestion that the Central bank of China regulate Bitcoin trading pushed CoinIdol.com to talk about the problem of Bitcoin AML with experts in different countries around the world.
Mar 22, 2017 at 13:26
China Creates Its Own Cryptocurrency. Will it Affect the Bitcoin Price?
China seems to have reached the point of giving up on the hard bitcoin regulations which were being attempted by the People’s Bank of China. By creating its own cryptocurrency, Chinese authorities can have leverage on the currency and thus more control.
Mar 19, 2017 at 13:10
Why South Korea will be the leading Bitcoin Country in 2017
South Korea is showing a very good positive trend in terms of the development of bitcoin. South Korea has the world’s fastest internet connectivity, which is a very powerful incentive for the development of the use of bitcoin in the country.
Mar 15, 2017 at 11:27
US Customs Agents Access Mobile Phones to Trap Bitcoin Information
The New US administration under Donald Trump has raised the Border security at customs points when entering the US. Customs agents are searching mobile phones and other electronic devices using a complex algorithm to establish what Bitcoin or any other security info may be contained on the gadget.
Mar 02, 2017 at 09:04
The True Cost of Running a full Bitcoin Node
Bitcoin’s existence largely depends on how many people are using the peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. A bitcoin node can be an individual miner minting Bitcoins from his laptop or a chain of companies with complex mining rigs mining Bitcoin on a commercial scale. All these nodes keep the Bitcoin network running.
Feb 27, 2017 at 08:23
Mobile App That Allows People to Easily Shop on Amazon with Bitcoin
Amazon is the world’s largest online store with shipping capabilities of all over the United States. Although Amazon itself still does not allows Bitcoin in their transactions, third party applications like the purse.io Android and IOS apps do.
Feb 24, 2017 at 13:08
Zcash May End The Money Trail
Zcash, a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency that has complete anonymity on the blockchain, is causing a lot of worries within law enforcement as most agencies think it will harbour illicit transactions.
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