YouGov Omnibus Study: 80% of Americans are Cognizant of Bitcoin

Sep 11, 2018 at 08:24 // News
Coin Idol
As per YouGov Omnibus, a research company which carries out online countrywide surveys, almost 80 percent of Americans are cognizant of at least one form of crypto.

There is a lot of hope among the Millennials about the chances of crypto being recognized widely, and almost half of those who believe this would choose using crypto over the U.S dollar, according to a recently carried out consumer survey on consciousness of and attitudes about crypto.

As per YouGov Omnibus, a research company which carries out online countrywide surveys, almost 80 percent of Americans are cognizant of at least one form of crypto. 

Crypto Awareness Higher Among Men Than Women 

Bitcoin tops the sector in terms of consciousness, with 71 percent of participants acknowledging it by name. The next closest competitor, Ethereum, earned 13 percent recognition. The survey, that was carried out on August 29 and 30, listed down 16 Cryptos which includes; Bitcoin, Zcash, Ethereum, Monero, NEO, NEM, Litecoin, Cardano, Dash, Zcash, Dogecoin, Lisk, Ripple, Storjcoin X, Stellar, Midseason and EOS. 

Crypto consciousness was greater among men than women for almost all kinds of cryptos listed. 27% of women were strange with any crypto, compared to 16% of men. 

Over 36 percent of all participants who responded revealed that they hope Cryptos will become largely and widely recognized for legal purchases within the next decade. Millennials, exceeding any age group, were more probably to accept this (44%), comparing it with 29% of baby boomers and 34% of GenXers. 

Almost 34% also revealed that Cryptos are probably not going to be largely and widely accepted within a decade. 

Among those believing Cryptos will become more recognized and highly accepted, millennials are almost evenly divided between employing crypto instead of U.S fiat were 48% and those against were 50%. Hence making them the most probable group to employ Cryptos instead of the U.S dollar. 

Usage Remains Low 

Over 36% of all participants that responded that they believe Cryptos will become highly accepted revealed they would be most likely to employ Crypto in place of U.S. fiat. The 57% who are the majority, however, revealed they would not consider using Crypto over the U.S. dollar. 

A mighty 87 percent of all those that are cognizant of Bitcoin haven't used it in any manner. 49% of those that are cognizant of it revealed they were gratified not to have bought it and have no ideas of doing such. 15% indicated they felt sorry and regretted not purchasing Bitcoin earlier, and now they believe that time has gone. People between the age of 35 - 54 years were more liable to show this feeling, as 21% of them indicated they wish they had bought Bitcoin, compared to 11 percent of those people aged 55 years and above. 

The ken of crypto's use for illegal operation goes on to cover the way the public see it. A quarter of the survey respondents revealed they hope Cryptos are more usually applied for illegal purchases, compared to 17 that believe they are more usually applied for legal purchases and 19 percent that say they are both legally and illegally applied. 

Hispanic Americans more frequently hope Cryptos are used and applied to legal purchases.

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