The next generation Professional Social Network incorporates a "certificator" and rating system certified by a smart contract, with a sector-specific e-commerce.
The Word-of-Mouth market is worth over 189 billion dollars and has over 116 million operators. The growing popularity of social networks has further boosted the industry and has allowed the proliferation and diffusion of "unverified" information on the real ethical-professional qualities of companies, operators, and partners.
The Eucleia platform and WMPRO blockchain satisfy the need for a decentralized, secure, inviolable, certified database, with truthful and transparent information on the features of the companies and their operators.
Exploring the Opportunity and the potential numbers of the Referral Marketing Industry, there’s no doubt that the idea of obtaining a better professional rating and spending WMPRO crypto assets on real products and services will support cryptocurrency holders on all levels.
Every challenge is an opportunity. With the growing amount of risks surrounding the word-of-mouth industry and the explosion of crypto adoption, we may have the perfect recipe for a change in the future of the entire industry.
Thanks to Eucleia, word-of-mouth, socials, and many other professions and companies will never be the same
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