Italy Needs Humanism and Tech Together in Blockchain World

May 01, 2019 at 09:03 // News
Coin Idol
Innovation space now requires individuals, companies and institutions to incorporate scientific revolutionary forward-thinking competencies with humanistic potentials.

The globe is going totally digital, so it is no wonder that the popularity of professions connected to disruptive techs like blockchain, crypto and distributed ledger (DLT) is growing. Italy is no exception. Innovation space now requires individuals, companies and institutions to incorporate scientific revolutionary forward-thinking competencies with humanistic potentials.

According to a 2019 LinkedIn study, the demand for cryptocurrency and blockchain developers is extremely high in Italy, the United States and other parts of the world compared to other innovations. The importance of these developers even hit a demand of around 33x back in 2018.

Universities Actively Exploring Innovations   

There are currently over 60% of jobs requiring professionals with tech background especially in the sphere of blockchain, internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, smart contract and cryptocurrency.  

Although the research shows that almost 70% of the future jobs will be connected to innovations requiring digital skills, enrollment of science students in the higher centers of learning is still very low in Italy. Jobs in the country will change by over 30% by 2025 due to the much investments being put into innovation.

Universities have also started to embrace blockchain and are actively delving into innovations. For instance, the University of Milano-Bicocca started using blockchain technology to certify the student’s academic documents including transcripts and certificates, and further uses the revolutionary tech to validate its employees. Employers from any part of the world will be able to check the validity of their students’ (applicants) academic documents without the need of contacting the former university of the applicant.  

Integrating Humanism with Technology   

No doubt, human beings are behind every innovation you see around you. So you can’t completely neglect the value of humanistic education in this game. The future professionals must be equipped and trained as a hybrid who will be able to interweave, link, and combine scientific and humanistic skills.   

The market tendency in the future will seek for hybrid professional people who are a bit technological and a bit humanistic to underprop the corporate world, institutional, social and civil society. The AI, IoT, crypto and blockchain revolution, are affecting institutions, government bodies, companies, civil society and others.   

Yeah, although it’s true that the technology is decentralized and the data in the network is secure, immutable and transparent, there is also a big need for combining together technological development with legality. Therefore, future professionals should have a broad base in humanism and technology.

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