Koles Coin News: Cryptocurrency News Videos, Feb 2

Feb 02, 2017 at 12:58
Coin Idol

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Top Blockchain Startups join efforts

A new forum to enhance collaboration and propagate the blockchain. Never Stop Marketing Storj, Rootstock, Everledger, OpenBazaar, Tierion and Funderbeam have come together to create the Decentralized Marketing Network, DMN. This community aims to improve the startup marketing strategy. According to Jeremy Epstein, CEO of Never Stop Marketing, the DMN was established to address the industry-wide challenge of lack of marketing.

20 000 merchants accepting Bitcoin in Japan

Japanese merchants accept Bitcoin. The land of Rising Sun is planning to attract more than 20 000 merchants. According to bitcoin payment system ResuPress (RisurEs), the number of trading platforms accepting Bitcoin will increase in 2017. Through a partnership with E-net Systems Co an energy company in Japan, ResuPress has already enabled Japanese users to pay their electricity bills with the cryptocurrency. 

MacOS added to Bitcoin symbol

A new symbol is added in MacOS. The developers of the operating system MacOS for appliances Apple presented unicode for symbol Bitcoin. Now the Bitcoin symbol is available for OS users, along with a dollar sign, or Cyrillic letters. Earlier this year Microsoft has integrated Bitcoin symbol into the Microsoft Excel Program.

Australian expectations in FinTech

 FinTech is a future for Australia. At the recent G20 conference at Wiesbaden in Germany, Australian Federal Treasurer, Scott Morrison spoke about the financial sector moving into the digital space. Scott Morrison said: «It is important that all of us work together to help build this industry to meet the needs of consumers.» The growth of FinTech is a priority for Australia, as the Treasury has established an Innovative Hub with the intention of aiding FinTech startups that are working with financial regulators.

Ethereum on the Swiss finteсh market

New encryption module for information security. Swiss companies Swisscom, SIX and Zürcher Kantonalbank have jointly developed "encryption module" that prohibits certain types of information from being seen by other parties. The group is receiving support from Switzerland’s Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI). Project manager Mathias Bucher stated: “Our privacy solution paves the way for the usage of the ethereum blockchain in financial markets”. 

The agency of E-Dinar Coin in England

International agency of E-Dinar Coin. Decentralized cryptocurrency E-Dinar Coin launches the first formal office in Manchester, United Kingdom. With creation of the new office cryptocurrency will expand to the international market and help to meet the customers’ needs in digital currency.

Equibit exchange opens an ICO

The Canadian exchange launches an ICO. For improving it’s data security department Equibit Development Corporation (EDC) opened an ICO on 1th February, 2017. Earlier EDC had released a white paper with instructions of Equibit modernization. The raised funds will used to apply blockchain technology for the depository and transfer layer of securities.

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