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Exchange rate of Decentralized USD (USDD) to Tether (USDT)

1 USDD = 1.00 USDT
+0.0% (24h)

Quotation rate chart Decentralized USD (USDD):

Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin. Tether is pegged to the US dollar, which means that 1 USDT is equivalent to 1 USD.

Tether is designed to maintain a stable value and its price is generally close to 1 USD. This stability is achieved by backing each token with a corresponding amount of traditional fiat currency, in this case the US dollar.

Traders and investors often use USDT as a hedge against the volatility of other cryptocurrencies.

Tether works on various blockchain networks, including Omni, Ethereum (as an ERC-20 token), Tron (as a TRC-20 token) and others. Each of these implementations represents Tether on a specific blockchain.

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