Thailand: NECTEC Creates Blockchain-Based e-Voting System

Jan 09, 2019 at 14:22 // News
Coin Idol
The National Electronics & Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) of Thailand, a section of the Science & Technology Ministry, accomplished the creation of the system for DLT-based voting and is seeking trial partners.

Thai government agency NECTEC has created a distributed ledger technology (DLT)-based solution set to digitalize the voting process in Thailand. The tech unites e-voting in close groups and the traditional balloting. In case 5G is adopted, every voter shall be connected to the voting platform.

The National Electronics & Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) of Thailand, a section of the Science & Technology Ministry, accomplished the creation of the system for DLT-based voting and is seeking trial partners. 

According to a Bangkok Post report, the head of the cybersecurity lab at NECTEC, Chalee Vorakulpipat, said: 

“NECTEC developed DLT for e-voting that can be applied to national, provincial or community elections, as well as business votes like the board of directors. The aim is to trim fraud and maintain data integrity.” 

The Technology Age

NECTEC is considering testing the DLT system on a smaller scale, such as for elections in communities, education institutions and provinces, and is badly looking for partners for the trial run. 

Many nations want to employ blockchain in order to increase efficiency in voting exercises. In November, 2018, South Korea declared that it was ready to test a DLT system in an attempt to ameliorate the dependability and security of e-voting. 

Back in August last year, the Tsukuba municipal government – a city in Japan, successfully tested a DLT-based system which enables residents to cast their votes during the selection of local development programs, according to a Japan Times report. 

Furthermore, West Virginia state, in the U.S, also considered launching a DLT-based mobile voting app to all its 55 counties such that military forces posted overseas could easily cast their votes in last years’ midterm elections. 

In December last year, Thailand was considering creating its DLT-based national digital identity card for the public very soon, according to a report by Bangkok Post. 

“Digital ID will allow users to have a new feature for mobile banking by which the financial institutions are identity platforms,” elaborated Bhume Bhumiratana, a cybersecurity specialist. 

Therefore, in Thailand, citizens eligible for voting will not be visiting polling stations to vote, they will only need internet access to cast their votes. However, the system will allow the voter to vote via an email ‘similar to online survey,’ according to the report, and become verified by the use of mobile cameras.

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