Lightning Network

Iran to Israel: Bitcoin LN Torch Goes Beyond Borders
Mar 07, 2019 at 09:26
Iran to Israel: Bitcoin LN Torch Goes Beyond Borders
The Lightning Network (LN) torch cost has crossed borders to Israel after being posted by an Iranian in a symbolic sign of peace amongst these two countries. This historic phenomenon only shows that bitcoin is indeed a political and borderless cash experience.
The First Cryptocurrency on Lightning Network for Porn Content Payments
Feb 08, 2018 at 11:37
The First Cryptocurrency on Lightning Network for Porn Content Payments
The first cryptocurrency payment system that uses the Lightning network, PORNX, takes a step to becoming one of the most secure and anonymous means of payment for adult content.
Litecoin SegWit Can Open a New Frontier for Blockchains
Feb 13, 2017 at 12:05
Litecoin SegWit Can Open a New Frontier for Blockchains
Charlie Lee urges the Litecoin Mining community to support the Segregated Witness Activation proposal now and open the blockchain frontier to amazing new possibilities.