
Mischief-Maker Promises to Livestream a 51% Altcoin Attack
Oct 10, 2018 at 13:36
Mischief-Maker Promises to Livestream a 51% Altcoin Attack
The unknown attacker has promised to gain majority hashrate control of an altcoin to show how smooth the process is. They have given decent warning of the attack but promised to live stream the whole event on October 13, 2018, 3:00 CDT.
Using Historic Trajectories & Data, Litecoin Will Surge 200% & Reach $260
Jul 26, 2018 at 11:58
Using Historic Trajectories & Data, Litecoin Will Surge 200% & Reach $260
With a possible encierro on the planet earth, we need to delve into how some crypto will run if the markets do take an upward trend.
Wikitribune - Competitor or Copycat?
May 05, 2017 at 11:35
Wikitribune - Competitor or Copycat?
Wikitribune - an actual competitor to Steemit and DECENT or simply a copypaste project with no original ideas?