Low-risk, High-yield Investment Opportunities That are Unique for the Overseas Chinese! Blockchain Leads Overseas Chinese to the Future

Sep 08, 2018 at 12:26 // News
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When the traditional investment market encountered obstacle, the emerging blockchain market embraced unprecedentedly excellent opportunities.

2018 is a tough year for global investors. It seems that all the investment projects have gone wrong: collapse of P2P, sluggish securities market, low gold prices, and plummeting earnings of US debt and bank financial products.

After several setbacks, people are wondering whether there are investment projects with low risk and reasonable return (expected yield rate between 10% and 15%)? Have the market potentials come to an end? 

God will make a way where there seems to be no way. When the traditional investment market encountered obstacle, the emerging blockchain market embraced unprecedentedly excellent opportunities. Insightful pioneers turned their attention to this industry and continually unearthed invaluable treasures. The mining fund that we explore in depth today is one of the most outstanding projects. 

Digital Currency and Mining Industry 

Since its inception in 2009, Bitcoin has been a pioneer and representative of digital cryptocurrency, and its value has risen by hundreds of thousands of times. Bitcoin opened the era of digital cryptocurrency, and the emerging blockchain technology has gradually entered the sight of the mainstream and penetrated into all aspects of society.
Bitcoin and other typical blockchain currencies are essentially a decentralized ledger. All transaction records on the platform are encrypted and recorded in each user's storage space through mining, which are anonymous and impossible to be tampered with. This feature provides a near-perfect solution for many business requirements such as cross-border remittances, anonymous transactions, and trusted verification, which led the foundation for the application of blockchains in real-world.

As the core computing behavior of digital currency, mining acts as an engine for digital currency. The equipment that supports mining can get rich rewards, and the performance of mining equipment is also rapidly upgrading driven by such high return. 

Take Bitcoin as an example, the earliest mining equipment was a high-performance CPU, which was quickly replaced by a high-performance graphics card. In 2012, ASIC was born, a computing chip designed specifically for Bitcoin mining. Its performance increased by dozens of times than the previous graphics card. After that, it has been the main equipment of bitcoin mining until today. 

As the market price of Bitcoin soared, the return of mining also improved a lot. A large number of enterprises and organizations specializing in mining operations sprung up, and they are called the mining pools. Each mining pool purchased thousands of mining machines and kept them in areas with lower electricity costs. In 2018, more than 90% Bitcoin computing power comes from different mining pools, and the mining pool owners are greatly rewarded.
Electricity charges are the main costs of mining pools. Under the same energy consumption, the more advanced the mining equipment, the higher the calculation power, and the lower the mining cost. The mining cost of operations with the latest 7nm chips is only $2,000, which offers profitable returns even with Bitcoin's recent low price at $6,000. 

Considering the long-term steady prospects of the blockchain market, there is very slim chance of bitcoin prices falling below $2,000. The large-scale mining pool has become a stable and promising investment project, given that its quality far exceeds the traditional investment products such as P2P, currency funds, foreign exchange, and gold reserve. However, the investment in large-scale mining pools construction is unaffordable for the general investors. The mining pool fund was born in order to offer the general public the opportunity to participate in such high-quality investment projects. 

Mining Pool Fund and Huaren Capital 

Mining pool fund actually refers to the mechanism that the fund investors raise funds to build the mining pools and provide the investors with higher return at very low risk. In 2018, many mining pool funds sprung up all over the world, and the average expected rate of return reached 10%, which had gained favor of many investors. 

The domestic mining pool fund is still relatively new. The first company to enter this field is Huaren Capital and we will focus on it today. Founded by Jeff Wang, a well-known mining expert in the blockchain industry, Huaren Capital provides Chinese people all over the world with stable and diversified investment opportunities in the digital currency era. Its core business is the mining fund based on Bitcoin mining. 

Following are the strengths of Huaren Capital:

  1. The headquarter of Huaren Capital is in the Philippines. The Philippines is one of the few blockchain-friendly countries in the world. The Philippine government strongly supports the development of blockchain-related industries. Thanks to the preferential measures, Huaren Capital has laid a solid foundation for corporate development, and is confident to free investors from risks and pressures that might result from policy fluctuations.
  2. In the Philippines, there are very limited investment projects available to the general public, and it is even quite hard for them to open a bank account. Huaren Capital not only helps the Filipinos to enter the digital financial era in advance, but also solves the problem of shortage of high-quality projects for local investors.
  3. The mining pools of Huaren Capital are mainly located in China and Russia, making full use of the low costs of electricity, factory leasing and heat dissipation in the border areas to enhance project revenues. The mining pool in China is also convenient for investors to visit the site in person to further clear doubts and increase confidence.
  4. Huaren Capital starts off well. Its main equipment is the 7nm mining chip that has just been mass-produced recently. The mining cost is reduced by more than 40% compared with the previous generations. The marginal revenue per bitcoin is more than 4,000 US dollars. It makes Huaren Capital capable of providing investors with stable returns. Considering that the digital currency market is in a downturn, to enter the market now is almost like a bargain-hunting because the profit rate of Huaren Capital will experience a sustained growth in the future.
  5. Huaren Capital has very strong potentials given that it owns a large-scale mining pool to begin with. All of its new investment goes to mine expansion and technology upgrading. In the mining industry, the larger the size of the mining pool, the lower the risk, and the less likely to be influenced by fluctuating digital currency prices. Considering the long-term appreciation potential of Bitcoin, the risk of Huaren Capital mining pool fund is as low as the bank investment products, but with a much higher expected annualized return rate at 10%-15%. It is even comparable to many P2P products.
  6. In other words, Huaren Capital offers an extremely rare investment project with very low risk but rather high return. It is equipped with a clear operation logic and visible industry entity, and its quality far exceeds the mainstream investment projects.

A brief comparison between the Huaren Capital Mining Pool Fund and the traditional investment projects: 

Rate of return (annually) Risk Entity Prospect
Huaren Capital 10%-15% (expected) Extremely low With accessible entity Promising
P2P 18%-36% Extremely high Mostly Ponzi scheme, no entity Under tight governmental restriction
Securities market 8%-20% High With entity, but hardly accessible Steady
Foreign exchanges
and gold Reserve
Furious fluctuation High No entity Unclear
Government bonds and
bank investment products
3%-5% Extremely low No entity Steady

It is clear that Huaren Capital's mining pool fund is an extremely precious opportunity for cautious investors who are looking for good return. The monthly payment and the annual repayment mechanism are also in line with the habits and needs of global Chinese investors. It perfectly integrates the advantages of low-risk and low-yield channels such as treasury bonds, and high-risk and high-yield channels such as securities and foreign exchange.

Investing in the “Cash Cow” of Blockchain 

In essence, the mining pool that provides computing power for digital currencies is like a cash cow continuously producing profits. It is exactly the secret of the stably high yield. Based on the prominent scale effect of the mining pool, ordinary investors are able to steadily gain returns,  further strengthen the mining pool and reduce the risk of the entire project, achieving a virtuous circle. 

As a project targeting at Chinese people around the world, the aim of Huaren Capital is to use the advanced blockchain technology to help thousands of Chinese people share the fruits. Given that blockchain technology will gradually become the infrastructure of the contemporary digital society, investing in the mining pool is to invest in a cash cow. The digital currency has exerted a revolutionary impact on traditional society, which provides the investment market with guarantees in terms of both high returns and low risks. The physical entity of the mining pool has fundamentally dispelled people’s doubts over the projects. 

All in all, Huaren Capital has offered a rare investment opportunity to global Chinese investors in 2018, and has also brought confidence to the bleak investment market. It is the time for people to turn their attention from the traditional investment business to the emerging blockchain market. Mining Pool Fund is the best chance to enter the blockchain market and will soon be a popular AAA-level investment target.


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