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Koles Coin News: Cryptocurrency News Videos, Dec 6

Developing of Mimblewimble first version

Real anonymous wizards. A unique way of solving some of bitcoin’s more pressing problems was presented by the group of Harry Potter’s fans. The Mimblewimble project helps with two things: scaling the bitcoin network and increasing the transactions’ privacy, but doesn’t work with the existing bitcoin network. Mimblewimble was first proposed by cryptographer who uses French version of Tom Riddle, and now such characters as Ignotus Peverell, Garrick Ollivander and Merope Ripple have join the project development.

Bitcoin and Christmas holidays

Bitcoin companies organize a special event with the Christmas holidays. Two of Poland’s top cryptocurrency exchange are hosting a Bitcoin fundraiser. Both BitBay and Bitcantor will co-host the Christmas holidays fundraiser for the Tęcza Child Care Home in Katowice. Buying the children there some toys, stuffed animals, and giving them a Christmas to never forget is all made possible with Bitcoin. According to the, the money raised through this effort will be used to buy gifts for the Child Care Home in Katowice, Poland.

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