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Blockchain Will be Used to Reduce Carbon Footprint in Liverpool

The city council agreed to test and integrate the versatile blockchain-powered platform that will energize Liverpool’s daily operations. This novel technology utilizes blockchain and will offset the carbon impact of products and services. It’s done by allowing individuals as well as organizations and governments to reverse the effects of climate change in their daily activities while supporting essential forest conservation projects. 

Additionally, a Strategic Business Summit will be held by Joe Anderson, the Mayor of Liverpool, in September 2018 in collaboration with businesses, social enterprises, and NGOs from across the city in order to assist companies on a grander scale to become climate positive. 

The goal of Liverpool City Council is to become the first climate positive authority worldwide by the end of 2018 and the first climate positive city by the end of 2020. Liverpool has always been a progressive city in many other areas from railways, electric lighting, subscription libraries, and topical medicine to name a few. Now, add Liverpool’s sustainability agenda to that list. 

Joe Anderson expressed his pride as the Mayor of Liverpool in the following comment: 

“This technology is the first of its kind to truly deliver a solution to governments, businesses and individuals around the world to help reverse the causes of climate change and I am thrilled this agreement will bring this cutting-edge technology to our city. 
Liverpool City Council has a significant carbon footprint because of all the services we provide - be it street lighting, the running of countless properties like St George’s Hall or the Arena and our fleet of vehicles. We are already making significant strides to reduce our impact by 40% by 2030, but that is not enough. We must explore radical new ways to do more.”

This is only the beginning regarding the vast implications of what blockchain technology can do to generate positive change in the world. With creative collaborative, positive focused intentions, and a willingness to make that change happen, blockchain technology will go down in history as one of the most brilliant applications ever invented.

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