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Global Statement: Alibaba Cloud Rolls Out Blockchain-as-a-Service Offering

After proclaiming its European mega-expansion, the cloud computing body of Alibaba Group has declared the mega-expansion of its Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) offering to significant world markets including the US, Europe and Southeast Asia.

As several organizations focus on how they can exploit distributed ledger technology (DLT), and learn what the uses of blockchain are, BaaS offerings are surfacing with massive vendors.

These platforms are intended to assist customers to create a more secure and stable climate for DLT implementations.

Alibaba Cloud's BaaS underprops enterprises level DLT uses on the two platforms of Hyperledger Fabric and Ant Blockchain.

The Benefits of BaaS

“Our customers in China have already experienced the benefits from our BaaS platform and we are excited to extend this service to other enterprise customers all over the world,” said Yi Li, Senior Staff Engineer and lead of Alibaba Cloud Blockchain Service.

The BaaS platform will underprop a variety of applications such as smart contracts, automatic deployment, user and certificate management and SDK applications, consortium DLT management, in addition to operating, monitoring and maintenance roles.

“We’re delighted to see the launch of Alibaba Cloud BaaS powered by Hyperledger Fabric, as we’ve already seen many Hyperledger use cases in production this year. As stated in MIIT’s recent whitepaper, 2018 is set to be another blockbuster year for the industry with record amount of capital to be injected into companies in the space, and hyperledger is committed to the development of blockchain technologies in China. Together with Alibaba Cloud, we look forward to bringing more exciting innovations to the global blockchain communities,” said Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director, Hyperledger.

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