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An 80 Character Record in Blockchain

“Currently, tweets are written into the Bitcoin blockchain. Each tweet or message is individually stored in plain, human-readable text within a unique transaction; tweets are not hashed, encrypted or bundled together. More blockchains coming soon. Your Blockchain Receipt will indicate a unique reference number where your tweet can be looked up instantly at any future time. Share with family, friends, colleagues. How does it work? What is our "secret sauce"? We are running a full network node which, along with custom programming and systems administration, allows us to embed so-called arbitrary data into the OP_RETURN field of transactions. But that's probably more than you need to know. As the Wizard of Oz said to Dorothy, Scarecrow and the gang, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

Coinidol: is still a new company, where do most of your customers come from?

Steven E. Williams: For some reason, our first users have emerged in Brazil. Naturally, I was expecting the idea to catch on with developers and blockchain enthusiasts here in the United States.But Brazil is perfectly fine and very exciting.The user interface is a breeze to navigate.

Coinidol: What makes your firm distinct from other similar competitors?

Steven E. Williams: We're not looking to compete with Twitter, but rather to offer an extension of an old service -- a very old service pre-dating Twitter by 2,000 years. As you know, since the beginning of civilization, people have wanted their words, sayings or "tweets" to be long-lasting. That is the philosophy behind the effort.

Coinidol: How does your company benefit from this venture Mr. Williams?

Steven E. Williams: At this point, we are just looking to earn back the development costs, as I myself devoted one month to the project thus far. Users can pay for tweet credits. At the moment, I would consider it a proof-of-concept project with potential to grow.

Coinidol: We know some organisations like eternitywall and cryptograffiti, what is the major difference between indelible and these organizations?

Steven E. Williams: Oh, yes. Those guys were early arrivals in the space. We are different because we don't display a running list or digest of all tweets received from all users. Tweets are, in a sense, semi-private. You can direct family, friends and colleagues to tweets listed on your Blockchain Receipt that our system generates for you. But anyone else who looks for tweets would be searching for a "needle in a haystack" through the entire blockchain.

Therefore, we might use the term semi-private or semi-public.The most important distinguishing characteristics are the permanence of the words, discreet storage and ease of use.

Coinidol: Do you already have a mobile app that users can use to access the service? 

Steven E. Williams: Mobile app is next... Starting with Android.... The programming logic was designed with Android expansion in mind. For now, there is a "responsive" template that adjusts to any computer, tablet or phone.

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