Announces Monthly Competition

Mar 06, 2017 at 13:33 // PR
Coin Idol

Are you a person that likes competitive game play? Do you have it in you to compete against others for prizes? If yes, has some pretty interesting news for you, read more to discover about the monthly wagering contest.

Playing games of any kind, usually brings about the competitive nature in individuals. Even games that we've played as kids, have promoted the "scoreboard" mentality. It's something that comes natural to us. With this consideration on mind, has announced that it will create a monthly wagering competition!

This monthly wager competition will reward the most active players on the website. The main prize pool consists of 0.85 BTC, spread across four places. 0.5 BTC goes to the first place winner, with the rest spread out in the following three ranks.

Additionally, this wagering contest will reward the top 10 players that have made bets in Bitcoin, Ethereum or Dogecoin, with 1500 lottery tickets for their corresponding games. The players can use these tickets to participate in the daily lottery game and win serious bank.

To participate, simply create an account and start placing bets. They are automatically followed by their unique platform. Remember, every bet counts towards your high score, regardless if you win or lose. This means that you can end up making a lot more as the house edge is a minimal 1%.

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